TWO TIME SLOTS10:00 tour (welcome, 45 minute guided tour, then you can explore on your own)
12:00 tour (welcome, 45 minute guided tour, then you can explore on your own)

Ages 8 and up (sorry, younger siblings may not attend)
Museum of World War II
8 Mercer Road, Natick, MA. 01760
Cost: $19.00 per person
10:00 tour register via this PayPal link.
12:00 tour register via this PayPal link.Refunds are given only if the venue cancels.
Experience description:
Visiting the museum is a unique experience. In addition to being the most comprehensive collection of original World War II artifacts anywhere in the world, the exhibition- nearly 7,000 pieces- integrates the human, political and military stories. It is an intense experience made more so by the fact most artifacts are not behind or under glass. This is not a museum of artifacts behind glass! Most can be touched.
Recommended reading and viewing:
About the museum
In his own words: Ken Rendell, Director and Founder of Museum of WWII
Dear America books and teaching resources

Learning Resources
Scholastic's Pearl HarborPDF Curriculum at Currclick