Summer still has a lot of adventuring available!

Have you thought about what the empty, hot, dangerous Zevaar Desert would be like to visit? Hmm, what if you didn't plan to visit the desert but found yourself there unexpectedly?
This is your chance to find out!
Zevaar Desert adventure but in super quick camp style.
This adventure meets 6 times over a period of 2 weeks.
Mon, Jul 15, 11:30 AM – 12:25 PM eastern
Wed, Jul 17
Thu, Jul 18
Mon, Jul 22
Wed, Jul 24
Thu, Jul 25
Register to attend, there are currently 3 spots available, it starts next week!

If the desert isn't your character's style, how about hanging out with an overlord or 2? This is a unique opportunity for your character to help an overlord and visit some unusual places in Druidawn! Wed, Jul 24 – Wed, Aug 28 7:00 PM Eastern. Shadow and Light  Register now for this adventure which begins July 24th

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